Message from the Fairy Godmother



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 09/27/21

Happy Monday!

I used to be of the mind that the quicker I can get to the finish line – the better (and let’s be honest – this still shows up for me quite a bit). Society has certainly engrossed us in this culture of instant gratification. We think that getting the ‘thing’, reaching the goal or checking the box is going to move the needle of our lives and will truly satisfy us.

But I believe that we should stop and take in these words from the Fairy Godmother (from the Disney classic film, ‘Cinderella’):

Fairy Godmother.jpg

When we look for instant gratification or quick results - we can miss out on so much. Things like:

✨ Moments of self-awareness. When we give space to the process – there are more opportunities to notice things about ourselves. How we react, where our strengths lie, where we struggle and what we are thinking. As I always say: self-awareness is pixie dust for making the most of our lives. Don’t miss out on the pixie dust!

✨ Lessons and growth opportunities. When we have patience with the journey – lessons will show themselves in ways that we couldn’t have expected. And as we know – it is in those lessons that we grow.

✨ Time for curiosity and clarity. It is with time and intention that we can get curious about our path and sometimes even discover that a detour is actually what we need.

✨ Practicing gratitude and appreciation. When we move too quickly – we don’t have time to appreciate what we have or where we are going. It is with gratitude that we generate stronger relationships and increase our own happiness!

Whether it’s in your work or any other area of life – considering putting a pause on the need for quick results and practice patience.

The payoff could be miraculous.

What are you working on right now that you want quick results from? Take time to get curious, identify the lessons and practice gratitude. You just might discover things you would have otherwise missed!

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson