Message from Barley Lightfoot
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 12/04/23
Happy Monday!
This week’s quote comes from Barley Lightfoot from the 2020 Disney Pixar film, Onward.
Think about something you have coming up where your brain is having a little freakout. It doesn’t know the outcome. It’s creating catastrophe ahead of time. It’s throwing out all kinds of red flags – causing you to pause.
Maybe it’s a ‘tough’ conversation with a team member. Maybe it’s asking for a new title and raise from your boss. Maybe it’s a big presentation you are giving to the board.
It’s that unsolicited brain freakout that can get between you and creating the business, leadership and life results you most want.
Here is the question to ask and answer:
“What is the worst that can happen?”
Really let the thoughts spill. Write it all down. Every little possibility of what could result if things don’t go ‘right’.
Next – look at the list. Cross off anything that has a very little probability of actually happening. You’re lightening the load already.
Then – looking at the things that are probable…ask yourself: "can I live with that if it truly did happen?" 9 times out of 10 – you’ll probably say ‘yes’. Pressure is releasing.
Because when you give space to the possible 'worsts' – you take most of its power away. You quiet the freakout brain. You tap into the logical decision-making side of things.
And just like that – there’s nothing to be scared of.
Now – go show your brain who is boss and do the thing.
What is your brain giving you freak-out thoughts about right now? What is the worst that can happen? Are those things probable? Can you live with the worst? Does the best outweigh the worst?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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