Message from Woody



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 11/27/23

Happy Monday!

Can you believe it!? It’s the last week of November!  Why am I always surprised at how fast time goes?

I’m curious about where your mindset is right now.Are you in ‘wrap up mode’ - which can come with this time of year?  Or are you in ‘panic mode’ – trying to get a bunch of stuff done before 2023 comes to a close? Or maybe you are in ‘bring it on mode’ – planning the start of 2024?  I’m a hybrid of wrap up and bring it on!  It’s a great place to be.

Regardless of what mode you are in – I think this quote from Woody from Disney/Pixar’s “Toy Story” is always a great reminder:

​I love how Woody says this every time his string is pulled.  A simple and constant way to get motivated!

When you think about reaching for the sky – the world opens up.  The possibilities are truly endless.  Sure – there will be clouds, rain, storms and dark periods.  Expected and sometimes necessary.  That all makes way for the vastness of blue, brightness and beauty.

As you think about what you want to accomplish in 2024 – keep Woody’s words in mind.  Plan from a place of possibility and see how high you can truly go.

After all, everything is possible – even the impossible.

Hit reply and tell me what applying a ‘reach for the sky’ mindset means for you!

Look at your current goals. Were they set with a ‘reach for the sky’ mindset? How can you aim even higher?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson