Message from Ashoka
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 11/06/23
Happy Monday!
Well, here we are in November. Ya blink – and the year is almost over. Oy! My brain is already starting to imagine what 2024 might bring. More opportunity and more unknown. Time is funny like that, isn’t it?
This week’s quote comes from the recent Disney+ series “Ahsoka”. Wisdom can be found in all corners of the universe…including from a galaxy far, far away…
Heading into situations where the results are unknown can be scary. And it can be exciting. Both can be true at the very same time!
You could look at the unknown of the future (meaning tomorrow, next month or 10 years from now!) through the lens of insecurity and fear. When you do that – your brain will offer you all of the reasons on why you shouldn’t take any further steps. Stay safe by not moving. Go nowhere.
Or – you can look at the unknown future through the lens of possibility. Anything can happen. Sure – that might include failure. It also may include amazing results that you haven’t yet even been able to imagine.
Isn’t the possibility of creating the results you want (or didn’t even know you wanted) better than going nowhere?
It’s a decision that you get to make.
Are you up for the ride?
Are you facing a decision point right now where you don’t know if you should move forward? Do a thought download, writing down all of the possible outcomes. Your answer may be revealed.
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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