Episode 27: You Are Your Own Best Advocate
Have Your Own Back
The only person who can really take the wheel in your life, leadership and goal-attaining journey is YOU.
Learn how to be your best advocate.
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(The notes below are only a brief summary of what is discussed in the podcast. Be sure to listen to get all of the goodness! If you would like a full transcription of the episode, please send an email request to: angie@angie-robinson.com. We’d be happy to provide that!)
As a leader, you probably spend some of your time advocating for your team. That might include things like:
Giving public praise in front of senior leaders
Giving private praise to others in organization
Recommending them for stretch assignments
It is great to do this, but…..where are you in that equation? Are others advocating for you? They may or not be – but when we look to others to do it for us – we are giving away our own power. We are relying on someone to do the work for us. We are expecting someone else to create the results for us. We are basically saying ”here are the keys” – and hoping they drive to the place you want to go in – using the route you want to use.
You might find that you never get there (although probably not for lack of trying or lack of good intentions from others). But you really need to be your own best advocate.
What does it mean to be your own self-advocate?
It means taking the initiative to communicate your needs and wants to others. It means being able to tell people about your thoughts and feelings in order to support your own well-being and your goals. It means knowing what is right for you (and what your literal rights are) and speaking up for those. It means making choices and decisions that affect your life and take responsibility for the choices you make.
Why do you want to do this?
To bring awareness to the challenges you are facing. If you don’t – others might not even know there is a problem. We HOPE others would just know – but that isn’t fair nor realistic. We need to tell people.
To accelerate your career and / or your progress on reaching your goals. Like it or not – workplaces can be competitive environments!
To make sure your ‘rights’ aren’t violated and / or to promote equity.
For your own mental well being and to reduce stress.
What makes self-advocacy difficult?
Not actually being clear on what you want
Fear (of judgement, of others’ reactions, of appearing arrogant, etc.)
It goes against your people-pleasing way
Self-doubt and not really believing in yourself
Tips for advocating for yourself:
BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND: Visualizing what it would be like if you were successfully advocating for yourself can help set your intention and fuel your motivation. What would successfully advocating for yourself look and feel like? How would others describe you?What results would you see?
KNOW YOUR WHY: Being clear on exactly WHY you want to advocate for yourself will help to ensure your reasons are for useful and not misguided. Take time to dig deep into your why.
UNDERSTAND YOUR FEARS + BARRIERS: If you have fears and/or barriers that are in the way of you successfully advocating for yourself – spend time to understand them. The only way to move past them is to bring awareness to them. You can then decide to reframe them, let them go or determine what actions to take. What are you afraid of? What is getting in your way?
KNOW WHO YOU ARE + BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: If you don’t know who you are now – it will be difficult to understand who you want to be. And - if you don’t believe in yourself, how can others? Belief cultivates confidence. Confidence supports authenticity. Authenticity fosters others’ ability to believe in you. Do you believe in yourself? Tip: If not, revisit your fears and barriers.
LEVERAGE YOUR STRENGTHS: We all have unique skills and characteristics that we naturally excel at. They make us who we are. Your strengths are part of what make you awesome. Know them, own them and leverage them when advocating!
BE CLEAR + SPECIFIC: Be sure you know specifically what you are advocating for. Your “what” should align with your “why”. When you are able to clearly and specifically articulate the “what”, others will be more likely to jump on board!
RALLY SUPPORT: Share your thoughts with those who support you. Ask them to point out your blind spots. Practice what you might say with them. Lean on them when you need to redirect. Do you know who your true supporters are?
GO FOR IT: Be proactive and ensure your voice is heard. You can’t wait for others to come to you – this is self-sponsorship. Remember, advocacy is on-going, not a one-time event. So, what are you waiting for? You got this! Just go for it.
Ask yourself these questions:
What does it mean to YOU to advocate for yourself?
Think about a time when you wish you would have advocated for yourself – what would be different?
What makes it difficult for you?
Do you see others advocate for themselves? How do they show up? What can you learn from them?
Think about a time when you did advocate for yourself and it went well. How did it feel? What were the results? What where you thinking?
This is exactly the kind of work we do in coaching and team workshops - I would love to help you!
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