Episode 19: Lessons from Mary Poppins
Everything is Possible
Mary Poppins is full of lessons that apply to life - even your leadership life. In this episode - we dig into some of the best ones!
Listen Here:
(The notes below are only a brief summary of what is discussed in the podcast. Be sure to listen to get all of the goodness! If you would like a full transcription of the episode, please send an email request to: angie@angie-robinson.com. We’d be happy to provide that!)
On a recent trip to Walt Disney World, I had the opportunity to talk to Mary Poppins…..whom I happen to LOVE!!
Meeting Mary Poppins in EPCOT, May 2022 (picture by Tim Bigonia from Bigonia Creative and Journey to Grateful)
In fact, she is much of the inspiration for how I approach my business. Here is what is shared on my “About” page of my website:
How I’m inspired by Mary Poppins
Much of who I am has been influenced by my love of Disney. Mary Poppins is one of many characters that I admire and have drawn inspiration from. There are life-long lessons that I’ve gleaned from her that have helped shape my approach: the importance of looking beyond the surface of people and circumstances, honoring each unique story without judgement, guiding others to their own conclusion by evoking intuition and digging into what is already innately there and encouraging change when it makes sense — all with a touch of imagination and fun. It’s about celebrating the magic of making the impossible possible.
The umbrella in my logo is a nod to Mary Poppins and her iconic umbrella, which is a part of her whimsical identity. It symbolizes how I show up in my work, as the umbrella is often kept close by your side. It provides protection from the elements when you need it and can easily be tucked away when you don’t.
After talking with her on my trip - I wanted to share some of my favorite lessons learned from her - which are accompanied by a specific quote from either the original “Mary Poppins” movie or the more recent “Mary Poppins Returns” film. You can think about how these lessons might resonate with you in whatever your current situations is - whether in your leadership or other areas of your life.
For the full detail of what is shared - you are encouraged to listen to the episode in full.
Be open to shifting your perspective. Quote: “When the world turns upside down, the best thing to do is turn right along with it.” In “Mary Poppins Returns” - on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, Cousin Turvey’s world turns upside down. This happens to us as well. Things don’t always go as we planned. The unexpected shows up. Examining our thoughts about that can help us to shift our perspective and allow us to more easily ‘go with the flow’.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Quotes: “Never judge things by their appearance…even carpetbags.” “The cover is not the book, so open it up and take a look.” We should allow ourselves to get curious, practice compassion and look beyond the surface – as things are not always as they appear. Everyone has a story and a uniqueness that has value. INCLUDING YOURSELF!
There is always room for kindness and fun. Quote: “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine goes down”. We are always going to have situations that are uncomfortable and challenging. But no matter what - there is always on opportunity to inject kindness and/or fun.
Pay attention and trust yourself. Quote: “Winds in the east, mist coming in. Like somethin' is brewin' and 'bout to begin. Can't put me finger on what lies in store, but I feel what's to happen all happened before.” When you get that internal sense that things are about to change - pay attention to it. And know that you always know the right thing to do. You just have to keep awareness and trust yourself.
Self-awareness will lead to better results. Quote: “Open different doors, you may find a you there that you never knew was yours.” There is so much under the umbrella of self-awareness. Being willing to explore and understand what makes you who you are just might lead to paths you didn’t even know were there.
Be open and results will come. Quote: “Anything can happen if you let it.” So often, we either get stuck or stop ourselves from moving forward because of our thoughts about the unknown. But if we just open ourselves up to possibility - we will truly be able to get whatever results we are looking for!
Give your energy to where you want to go. Quote: “You’re too focused on where you’ve been to pay attention to where you’re going.” Our brains like to focus on the past more than focusing on the future. And although there might be lessons to carry forward, staying stuck the past doesn’t get you anywhere. It actually shuts down the possibilities. Give you energy to the future in order to get the results you want.
Some of my interaction with Mary Poppins was captured on video. In one particular part - she said the following, but the video was stopped before she finished her sentence, and I can’t remember the rest of what she said!
“That is actually my purpose – to help people find their passions and what they enjoy in life and to remember is that all it takes is a bit of……”
So I am going to finish that sentence from my own perspective.
“That is actually my purpose – to help people find their passions and what they enjoy in life and to remember is that all it takes is a bit of self - awareness.” A bit of self-curiosity, self-compassion, a willingness to shift perspective, listening to yourself and trusting in yourself.
You know, in the movie - Mary Poppins didn't come to save the children that she was hired to nanny for. She came for Mr. Banks. To help him see what he is missing. To help him shift his perspective.
When I work with my clients - that is exactly what I aim to do.
I would love to be your Mary Poppins. Let’s connect and talk about it!
What do you think?
Do any of these lessons resonate with you?
Where do you draw inspiration from?
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