Episode 18: Connecting with Others Through Insights®
Adapt to Connect
To maximize relationships, you need to understand the unique style of the other person. It is the most meaningful way to connect - and the results are so worth it.
Listen Here:
(The notes below are only a brief summary of what is discussed in the podcast. Be sure to listen to get all of the goodness! If you would like a full transcription of the episode, please send an email request to: angie@angie-robinson.com. We’d be happy to provide that!)
Curiosity leads to connection. There really is no debating that. Clearly – the more inquisitive you are, the more questions you ask and the more observations you make - the more information you learn which leads to better decision making and understanding of others. AND when you are intentional about getting curious, especially about other people’s stories, experiences, opinions and styles…real magic can happen.
In episode 17 (Understanding Your Personality Through Insights®), I shared a bit about the programs and tools that Insights has to offer, and how impactful it is when applied for your own self-awareness. Be sure to go back and listen if you haven’t!
Review: What is Insights®?
Here is a quick recap of who and what Insights® is. Insights is a company whose work is based on self-awareness being the foundation to better relationships, better business and better results. Self-awareness for all things better.
The Insights Discovery system is built on the language of color. Four colors are used to describe distinct personality preferences. It has a very simple language that is easy to remember and share with others.
The Insights model, tools and programs allow individuals to take an honest look at their personal style and explore how to leverage who they are as well as how to improve. Digging in allows for a deeper understanding of reactions to change and challenge relationships. Clarity around self provides a path to developing action plans for improvement. The Insights model truly fosters transformative experiences through self-awareness.
The colors are described as Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue. As a reminder, here a few high-level characteristics of each color energy:
Fiery Red is usually focused on results and shows up with a strong and purposeful determination.
Sunshine Yellow radiates enthusiasm and encourages participation.
Earth Green energy often seeks harmony and meaningful relationships.
Cool Blue has a desire to know and understand the world with accurate and complete information.
The four color energies are made up of:
The way we gain energy/recharge our energy
How we make decisions
How we take in and process information
How Insights Cultivates Connection to Others
Once you have an understanding of the color energy attributes, you can start to quickly recognize what color energy those around you might lead with. It is very important to remember that everybody has all four color energies within them. Each color energy might show up differently for each individual person, depending on the situation. Never do we want to label anyone as being only one color energy or another. However, there are ways so get a general sense of what color energy a person might be leading with at any given time. When you know that – you can adapt your style in ways that help you to connect better to their preferences.
Differences in personality types is also a part of the very important DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) work.
I love this quote: “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” - Anthony Robbins
Effective communication is just ONE (albeit very big) benefit. Examples of other benefits include was to explore:
· How to build project teams
· How to best handle change management
· How to effectively sell and negotiate
· How to provide stretch assignments
At a recent HR conference I attended - a participant asked: “How do we calibrate culture when leaders have different personality styles than the team (and the team all has different styles)?
My thought: You become aware of the types. You make the fact that there ARE differences in personalities a part of what makes your culture great. If your culture is one that rewards cookie cutter personalities – then your culture will reflect that.
Recognizing Type:
Some quick and simple ways to recognize others’ color energy preference is through body language and verbal cues.
For example, Fiery Red energy might have a firm handshake, give direct eye contact, speak at a fast pace and have quick responses. Sunshine Yellow energy will tend to communicate with facial expressions, likes physical contact, will be animated when speaking and can be quite talkative. Earth Green energy will likely offer a warm smile and a gentle handshake, speak with a soft tone and be enquiring. And Cool Blue energy will offer little facial expression, avoid physical contact, be thoughtful and quiet.
As you recognize and understand another’s color energy preference and adapt how you communicate with them - conversations will be more effective, connection will be greater, and relationships will be stronger.
Adapting your communication is simple ways will result in transformations with individual relationships, teams and entire organizations!
Wrapping Up
Self-awareness is ever evolving. Each situation – big or small, work or otherwise – adds to our experience and reshapes or reaffirms our beliefs and behaviors. Intentionally understanding others’ preferences allows for greater compassion which leads to better connection. It’s not about changing who we or who others fundamentally are. It’s about being aware of how we show up and the style of those around us so we can honor, leverage and adapt when it makes sense.
Let me help you bring Insights® to your organization. You will be so glad you did! Connect with me here.
What do you think?
What is steps will you take? How will you deepen your connection with yourself and others?
How will you help the teams you lead connect more in ways that improve engagement?
Relevant Links
To learn more about Insights®, click here
10 Impactful Coaching Questions
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