Message from Wade



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 02/19/24

Happy Monday!

One of the one million things I love about Disney movies is the way they lean into emotion.  There isn’t much skirting around it – which makes the messages all the more human and relatable. 

The 2023 Disney animated film, “Elemental”, displays its fair share of emotion!  I really like this quote from Wade, who is a water element that is highly emotional with a strong sense of empathy and compassion (no wonder I relate!):

It’s true that often times, when we experience what might be considered an uncomfortable emotion - such as anger, stress, frustration, disappointment or confusion – it’s an indication that some self-awareness and reflection might be useful.

There was a time when I would see other people in my space teaching at a conference or speaking at an event on a topic I knew so well and I would get annoyed.

I hated feeling that way!  When I took time to understand what that was about – I realized that it, of course, had nothing to do with the other person, but it was really just me trying to tell myself that it was time to elevate and go do the things I really wanted to do (exactly what they were doing).

It allowed me to uncover my limiting beliefs and make some decisions on how I wanted to show up.

Do you take the time to really understand what is beneath these emotions?  When you, in your leadership or otherwise, understand your triggers and emotions – you are better equipped to manage and lead with clarity and curiosity. 

Understanding what you are trying to tell yourself is such an amazing opportunity for impactful professional and personal growth – all in service of being the best self you can be.

It’s a gift that you deserve.  You up for it?

What is an uncomfortable emotion that you experience trying to tell you?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson