Message from Winnie the Pooh
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 02/21/22
Happy Monday!
I don’t know about you – but I get to a place during the winter where I’ve just had enough. Enough cold, enough ice, enough bundling up just to run to Target. I feel my energy dip and my complaining increase.
We can experience this type of “I’ve had enough” thoughts in many areas of life…in our jobs, our relationships, our health and just with the world in general.
It’s in those times when a little Winnie the Pooh wisdom just might do the trick:
One thing I know is that when it comes to the feelings we have - life is 50/50.
We experience both ‘positive’ emotions and ‘negative’ emotions.
We have things go the way we hoped (“Yay! I got the job!”) – and we have things not work out how we wanted (“Shoot – another rejection email”).
We have really great days (“I got so much done today!”) and days that kinda stink (“Nothing but distractions – I didn’t get a single thing accomplished.”).
We have beautiful days with sunny, blue skies and dreary days full of snow or rain.
The situations that might sit on the less-than-ideal side of life can bring us down. Of course, we know that our thoughts play a part in that - but sometimes we just want to hang onto the unhelpful thoughts for just a bit and sit in our misery.
And that is okay (to a point) - as it is important to honor the feelings that we are having.
But - we need to allow are ourselves to really FEEL the feelings. I find that we often don't when the feelings are negative or uncomfortable because processing the uncomfortable is just not fun! However, when we resist or avoid the uncomfortable feelings – that usually leads to some type of buffering behavior - something in replacement of actually facing the feeling. Buffering might come in the form of “over-ing”. Overeating, overworking, overbinging-on-netflix, overexercising, overshopping…
Instead of buffering – let’s start by acknowledging that life is 50/50. We need to experience the negative emotions to experience the positive.
And emotions can't hurt us. What can be more detrimental is trying to squish them down.
Let’s also embrace the power of choice. We can choose how to approach the seemingly negative.
We can allow ourselves to sit in it, ignore it or resist it. Or...we can decide to see what new experience we can draw from the situation.
We can embrace the rain and play in the puddles.
We just might realize that the rain was actually very much needed.
Knowing that life is 50/50 - what are some ways that you can "play in the puddles" when you encounter your next rainy day?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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