Message from Sadness



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 02/28/22

Happy Monday!

Let me start by wishing you a magical, productive and joy-filled week – however that needs to look for you.

But I also want to remind you that it is okay (and necessary) to acknowledge when there is something happening directly in your life or around you that is causing feelings on the ‘negative’ side of life’s 50/50.

One of my favorite movies is Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out. It depicts how, as humans, we experience many different emotions – and all have their role in our story, including Sadness:

As a collective, we’ve had our share of tough events as of late.

What is happening in Europe and to the Ukrainian people as I write this is horrific.

So, today – I choose to feel the feelings that are surfacing based on my thoughts about this horrible situation. The sadness, confusion and helplessness. 

I will allow and process these feelings. 

I know this will open me up to being even more focused on what I CAN do. How I can do my part in being a light in this world. How I can be the good.

Regardless of the situations that occur in your life - whether perceived as big or small - allow the feelings. Let them move through you.  

You will be better for it.

Are you with me?

How can you allow and process the 'negative' feelings you might experience?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson