Message from Captain America



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/27/24

Happy Monday!

One of my very favorite things is to hear the stories of people.  The story of where they started, the path they took to get where they are today, the circumstances, people and beliefs that hindered and/or propelled them and the aspirations they have for tomorrow.

It seems that there is a common thread for most people that might be deemed as “successful” – passion, vision, tenacity, belief. 

And a beginning.

This quote from Captain America from Marvel’s 2011 film, Captain America: The First Avenger, might seem like a throwaway statement, but I think it can have great meaning.

It can have several meanings, in fact.  The meaning is dependent on the belief underneath it. Or put another way – by what the end of the sentence might be if it had a comma instead of a period.

What I have found through coaching and through my very own brain…that word, “just”, can have an undertone that implies “I’m nothing special”.  The end of Captain America’s sentence might be: “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn, so I’m not made to do great things in the world”or “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn, so success is not meant for people like me”.

Barrier – right?  And could you imagine if Steve Rogers didn’t follow his beliefs?  He wouldn’t have become Captain America and stood up for the little guy!

Of course – that is a fictitious movie.  But what about people like Walt Disney or Abraham Lincoln or Rosa Parks or Oprah Winfrey?

They all had a beginning.  And passion, vision and tenacity.  And…a move-them-forward-despite-the-doubt-and-barriers level of belief.

I imagine Captain America’s sentence ended like this:  “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn, and I will do big things.”

That feels much better, don’t you think?

How do you finish your “I’m just a…” statement?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson