Episode 67: The Magic Beneath the Surface
Explore the Unseen
Below the surface is where the most magical magic lives!
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(The notes below are only a brief summary of what is discussed in the podcast. Be sure to listen to get all of the goodness! If you would like a full transcription of the episode, please send an email request to: angie@angie-robinson.com. We’d be happy to provide that!)
In this episode - I want to talk to you about leading with the iceberg analogy in mind. Do you know what I’m referencing? The image of the iceberg is used to explain lots of different concepts. Essentially – the visual is that we can only see a small portion of an iceberg. Everything above the water line is what is visible to most of the world. What is below the water line is not seen, but is really vast and big. It can be mysterious and also magical.
I own a print that I can see from my desk that – although it isn’t an iceberg – serves a similar purpose. It’s a print from the Disney Pixar film Luca. It shows a large rock in the ocean. The top portion that is above the waterline is simply a mostly bare rock. But beneath the surface is the large portion of the rock. it is where the sea monsters live along with fish, coral and other sea creatures. Magic.
Here is how I relate this to you – the leader – the entrepreneur – the human…
I found this quote online that talks about the iceberg and leadership;
“The iceberg represents your leadership. The 10% above the water is your skill. The 90% below the water is your character. It’s what’s below the surface that sinks the ship.”
I would make a change to this quote. I would say it’s “what’s below the surface that powers the ship” - not sinks it.
Think about YOU as the iceberg (or the rock as in the Luca print). The way you show up is what I would consider to be above the waterline. It’s what the world can see. It’s really a choice – it’s what we make visible to others around us. It will include skills, the message that you share, the behaviors that others see, the body language, the facial expressions (good or bad), leveraged strengths, overused strengths, areas of opportunity, blind spots (that others experience even though you may not). What is above the water line is mostly intentional and in your control.
The part of you that is below the surface, below the water line, is vast. There is so much going on that others DON’T see. It can be dark and mysterious – and also – where so much magic lives. This might include beliefs, limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, experiences, judgements, self-doubt, fear, biases, stories, feelings, untapped strengths, etc.
Even though all of these things are below the surface, they actually impact the choices we make and the actions we take. They impact everything above the waterline in some way.
Why does this matter?
If we don’t have awareness of the under-the-surface factors – we may not be in full control of the choices we make and how we show up. We not show up in our most authentic self that feels aligned with who we really are and who we most want to be as a leader or as a person.
Spending time below the surface impacts everything above. And it’s all the stuff below the water line that is really our magic. Think about if you could really see what’s going on with that iceberg. We would be overwhelmed with how grand it is – what creatures we might find – what treasures there might be. How amazing if you could share all of that with the people you lead and impact!
I get that we don’t want to share everything. There are parts of you that are meant to be kept below the surface. But if they are in the dark corners where even YOU don’t see them or maybe you are intentionally hiding them – what harm could it be doing?
When you can look at yourself as an iceberg – really understand that there is so much more than what is seen above the water line – you can start to see that the same is true for your team, for your peers, for other people. Just knowing that can open up space for curiosity and compassion.
Sometimes we want to stay above the water line because it’s comfortable. Challenge yourself to go deeper.
What do you think?
How do you spend time exploring what is below the surface?
Episode 12: The Magic of Compassion [in Leadership]
Episode 13: The Magic of Curiosity [in Leadership]
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