Episode 45: You are the CEO
It’s All About Ownership
The mindset you adopt to show up in your leadership, career and life is everything!
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(The notes below are only a brief summary of what is discussed in the podcast. Be sure to listen to get all of the goodness! If you would like a full transcription of the episode, please send an email request to: angie@angie-robinson.com. We’d be happy to provide that!)
We all have a lot of different “roles”. You have some type of title in your job. You have the role of friend, son or daughter. Maybe you’re a parent or a partner or a spouse. You might have the role of volunteer.
I want you to think about your role as CEO. You might not have that title on any payroll records, but you are the CEO of your life. When you adopt a mindset of a CEO – it will change the way you think about how you are approaching the different areas of your life. I’m going to specifically talk to those of you who are in a leadership role and/or who are solopreneurs or entrepreneurs…but this concept can be applied in any area.
[In case you are unsure - CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. They typically are at the very top of an organizational chart.]
Before I talk any more about what being a CEO means – I want you to consider your responses to two questions. Take some time to jot down your thoughts.
1) What comes up for you when I say “You are the CEO of your business or your career”
Does it make you nervous?
Does it make you feel empowered?
Do you roll your eyes and say “no thank you”?
Do you think “I don’t have what it takes to be a CEO”?
Uncover the thoughts that come to your mind – this will help you see if there are any thoughts that get in the way of creating a CEO mindset and taking actions from that place.
2) What does being a CEO mean to you?
What are duties, what are the behaviors, what are the characteristics?
Who comes to mind? Do you think of a CEO that you admire? Or do you think of a CEO that you don’t particularly like?
Does your “who” influence what you think about CEO’s in general?
Remember - every CEO you think is a human. Humans with their own thoughts, their own fears, their own experiences, their own behaviors, their own energy. And how you experience them can be used as inspiration (good and bad). I would caution thinking that their way is the way (good or bad).
You get to decide who you want to be.
It’s helpful to bring awareness to how you feel about CEO’s and your own ability and belief in self to adopt that type of mindset – so you can do some clean up there if needed. It will be much easier to adopt a CEO mindset and use it in your favor if it is coming from a clean place. Working with a coach is an amazing way to get there! Connect with me - let’s talk about it!
What Does a CEO Do?
CEOs are generally responsible for managing a company's overall operations.
The CEO's mindset is focused on getting the most they can for their business.
Let’s look at the general CEO duties and responsibilities of a CEO from an actual job description:
Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization's vision, mission, and overall direction
Leading the development and implementation of the overall organization's strategy
Soliciting advice and guidance, when appropriate, from others
Evaluating the success of the organization in reaching its goals
Participating in industry-related events or associations that will enhance the CEO's leadership skills, the organization's reputation, and the organization's potential for success
Operational management of all business departments
Develops business prospects
Oversees financial performance and risk profile while ensuring that all of regulatory obligations are met
Communicates circumstances and events of operations to appropriate people to keep all apprised
These are all things that you should be doing, or at least adopting the mindset of someone who does them, in your leadership role.
Here is the CEO mindset that you can adopt and let influence how you show up: get clear on your mission and vision, get help and delegate, be conscious and deliberate of how you spend your time, decide how you want to show up, trust yourself, trust others, work on your development, surround yourself with others in a similar role for support and work with a coach.
And finally - don’t look to others to create the experience for you. You get to decide on your own path to success. You own that.
What do you think?
Do you embrace a CEO mindset?
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