Message from Mary Poppins



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/06/24

Happy Monday!

My business coach (Steph Crowder) recently released a podcast episode called “The Real Reason You Aren’t Where You Want To Be” (the Courage & Clarity podcast episode linked here).  I felt called out (in all the right ways!).

Couple her truth bomb with this quote from my favorite nanny, Mary Poppins - and there is a lesson to be learned:

The “real reason” that Steph unveiled was that we are overcomplicating things.  And Mary Poppins agrees.

“Overcomplicating” is subjective. The root might be perfectionism, people-pleasing, external expectations, an avoidance mechanism, fear of success or just part of your wiring (to name a few).

Whatever the ‘below-the-surface’ reason is – it can slow you down.  It slows ME down.

When I overcomplicate – I think I’m being thoughtful, thorough and creating the best possible result.

But what is actually happening is slow movement, diluted output and lack any result.

Here is what I’ve come to know – I can be thoughtful, thorough and create the best possible result without overcomplicating.  I can keep it simple and still do those things!

It’s a matter of getting out of my own way.  It’s identifying the unhelpful tendencies.  It’s uncovering limiting beliefs (here is one of mine: “It has to be hard to be good”.  Time to bust through that one!)

We have amazing goals to crush and big gifts to share with the world.

Let’s stop overcomplicating.

✨ Keep it simple. ✨ Get the results. ✨ Make the impact. ✨

You in?

Do you overcomplicate? What is at the root of that? How can you keep it simple?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson