Message from Kermit the Frog



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/22/24

Happy Monday!

How is your spring going?  I’m starting to understand why people talk about the weather so much.  It’s a shared experience that has such an impact on our moods and ultimately how we show up in the world (at least that is true for me)!

Well, it’s not necessarily the weather that impacts our mood (aside from some physiological things) – it’s our THOUGHTS about the weather that does.  For example – last weekend, we had sunny days with temps in the 70’s here in Minnesota.  I had thoughts about how wonderful it was.  So happy and joyful!  The past few days have been below 40, gray with some snowflakes sprinkled in.  My thoughts were less than positive – resulting in me being tired, a little grumpy and less motivated. 

As our favorite frog, Kermit, says:

Interesting quote, right?  At first glance – it feels like we should argue with our little green friend!  Yes, Kermit – it WOULDN’T be difficult – so can we just have it easy, please??

Can’t we just always have 70 and sunny?  Can’t I just love my job every single day?  Can’t I just eat what I want and not have to worry about health effects?  Can’t my team just do the work without drama?

We know that isn’t how life works.  Because it’s in the ‘difficult’ where we learn.  It’s how we grow.  It’s when we uncover what we are really capable of.  It’s what brings light to what we actually want out of our life.

We should be grateful for that.  Easier said than done sometimes – I totally get that.

But without some gray skies – we wouldn’t have rain.  And on the other side of that gloomy weather are fresh buds and green grass and colorful flowers.

I’ll take the ‘difficult’ to experience the other side any day – managing my brain along the way (what a gift!).

How about you?

In what ways can you surface the possibilities out of the difficulties you might be experiencing?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson